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Chau Say Tevoda Temple

By Unknown - Friday, June 27, 2014 No Comments
Chao Say Tevoda Temple
Date:     Built in early twelfth century
Religion:   Hinduism-Buddhism
King:     Soryavarman II (1112-1150)
Posthumous name:    Paramavishnuloka

Chau Say Tevoda is located in east of the Gate of Victory of Angkor Thom, across the road south from Thommanon, 500metres (1,640feet) off the road. A enter and leave Chau Say Tevoda by the north entrance. It was built in the end of the 11th century-first half of the 12th century by king Suryavarman II in Hindu with following Angkor Wat style art.

The plan of Chao Say Tevoda is almost the same to Thommanon temple, but the difference is this temple has two libraries, the bridge, the causeway leading to Siem Reap River, and the two entrance structures still remains. Actually, Chao Say was a mixed religious temple between Buddhism and Hinduism because there’re still carvings of Buddha’s legend, especially the popular story of Preah Visadatara in the lintels and pediments of this temple.
The causeway of Chao Say was used as a walkway to take water from Siem Reap River to pure on Linga sculpture in the central tower.

The inscription of this temple tells us about Shivasaharatri ceremony celebrated inside this temple. Shivasaharatri was a ceremony, which was by Hindu followers to memorize the night when Shiva made love with his nine wives to absorb female energy called sakti to upgrades his sacred power to create the universe and all creatures. Shiva died on his wife’s chest after he had created the universe and creatures successfully. That’s why the Hindu followers prayed to his Linga and his wife’s Yoni which were carved together. after the Brahmins had poured water on the top of Linga, they got holy water from the spout of Yoni sculpture to share with the king, and other Brahmins. Sometimes, The Brahmins poured milk on Linga instead of water, because milk is white color which is significant of Shiva’s sperm.

Chau Say Tevoda and Thommanon are two small monuments close together (on the left and right sides of the road) and similar in plan and style. Although the precise dates of these monuments are unknown, they belong to the best period of classic art stylistically and represent two variations of a single theme of composition. Chau Say Tevoda has deteriorated more than Thommanon.
Chau Say Tevoda is rectangular in plan, with a Central Sanctuary opening to east, an enclosing wall with an entry tower in the middle of the enclosing wall at the east entrance.

Walking towards the temple one can see traces of a moat and vestiges of a laterite base of an enclosing wall.
The entry towers are mostly demolished except for traces of the bases and stair ways with sculpted steps. A raised causeway  on three rows of octagonal supports (later than the monument) and a terrace link the east entry tower to a nearby river to the east.

At the south of the passage a scene depicts the combat of Sugriva and Vali, at the north of the passage (East Side) the reliefs include monkeys, Siva and Parvati on a bull, and apsaras.
A long room with a porch  precedes the square Central Sanctuary connecting it with the east entry tower by a passage raised on three rows of columns of which only traces remain. This long room is covered with a pattern of flowers inscribed in squares and sculpted with stone flowers such as are seen at Banteay Srei and Baphuon. The three false doors of the Central Sanctuary are decorated with foliage and columns with diamond-shaped patterns (lozenges) and flowers (on the left); human figures accentuate some of the bands of foliage in the columns.

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