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Tonle Sap Lake (floating village on Tonle Sap)

By Unknown - Sunday, July 13, 2014 No Comments
Tonle Sap Lake (floating village on Tonle Sap)

Tonle Sap, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia, is an incredible natural phenomenon that provides fish and irrigation water for half the population of Cambodia and a home for 90,000 people, many of them ethnic Vietnamese, who live in 170 floating village of Tonle Sap.
Linking the lake with the Mekong, at Phnom Penh, is a 100km-long channel known as the Tonlé Sap River. From June to early October, wet-season rain srapidly raise the level of the Mekong, backing up the Tonlé Sap River and causing it to flow northwestward into the Tonlé Sap lake. During this period, the lake increases in size by a factor of four or vive, from 2500 to 3000 sq km up to 10,000 to 16,00 sq km, and its depth increases from an average of about 2m to more than 10m. An unbelievable 20% of the Mekong's wet season flow is absorbed by the Tonlé Sap lake. in October, as the water level of the Mekong begins to fall, the Tonlé Sap River reverses direction, draining the waters of the lake back in to the Mekong.

This extraordinary process makes the Tonlé Sap an ideal habitat for birds, snakes and turtles, and one of the world's richest sources of freshwater fish: the flooded forests - deciduous during the high-water months - make for fertile spawning, while the dry season creates ideal conditions for fishing. experts believe that fish migrations from the lake help to restock fisheries as far north as China.

Five provinces circled the area of Tonle Sap Lake, more than three million of population inhabited around the bank of the Lake and 90% of them earn a living by catching fish and making agriculture. As you can see on the map of Cambodia It stretches across the northwest section of the country.

The Lake is the largest fresh water in South East Asia. Its dimension changes depending on the monsoon and dry season. During raining season from June to October, the lake is filled by water flowing from the Mekong with 14 meters in depth and expands the surface of 10,000 square Kilometers. In dry season from November to May its size 3,000 square kilometers with two meters in depth and water flows out from the Lake to the Mekong, in and out flowing is the natural phenomenon occurrences. The flooded forest surrounding the edge of the lake is the best shelter and also very important for all kinds of fishes spawned and breeding babies. This lake providing many of bio diversities, over 300 species of fresh water fishes, as well as snakes, crocodiles, tortoises, turtles and otters. More than 100 varieties water birds including storks, pelicans, etc

The Lake is also an important commercial resource, providing more than half of the fish consumed in Cambodia. In harmony with the specialized ecosystems, the human occupations at the edges of the lake is similarly distinctive - floating villages, towering stilted houses, huge fish traps, and an economy and way of life deeply intertwined with the lake, the fish, the wildlife and the cycles of rising and falling waters

Tone Sap Lake sits is only 15 km south of Siem Reap town, a unique ecosystem and cultural area offering the opportunity to see a different side of the Siem Reap - floating villages, floating School, Floating Market, Floating Police Station. How to go to Tonle Sap Lake, Take a Tuk Tuk or Taxi or you can book through Travel Agency... Basic boat tours can be arranged at the Chong Khneas boat dock but we recommend arranging your tour through a reputable tour operator in Siem Reap.

The Tonle Sap Lake is the most prominent feature on the map of Cambodia - a huge dumbbell-shaped body of water stretching across the northwest of the country. In the wet season, the Tonle Sap lake is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Asia, swelling to an expansive 12,000 km2. During the dry half of the year it shrinks to as small as 2500 km2, draining into the Tonle Sap River, which meanders southeast, eventually merging with the Mekong River at the 'chaktomuk' confluence at Phnom Penh. During the wet season a unique hydrologic phenomenon causes the Tonle Sap River to reverse direction, filling the lake. The engine of this phenomenon is the Mekong River, which becomes bloated with snow melt and run off

Floating village at Tonle Sap Lake
The lake located about 15 km south of Siem Reap town; you can make your journey from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh by express boat crossing the lake and dock at the village of Chong Khneas. Its takes only six hours, but this trip we may recommend you during Monsoon season. In dry season the boat sometimes stuck in mud because the water is low. There are several ways to see the culture and wildlife of the lake area depending on the amount of time you have and your interest.

Kompong Khleang Village
Kampong Khleang village is around 35km from Siem Reap and but is probably the nicest of the 3 villages and as expected it has the least visitors. Kampong Khleang is only accessible when the water is high when going all the way by boat. When going all the way by boat, it is a full day trip and it should cost around US$50 including transport for the whole boat. If you want to go to Kampong Khleang village during the dry season then this is still possible and you can also do it this way if you do not want to spend the full day to visit. To go when the water level is low, then you will need to hire a taxi to a place called Dom Dek (35km from Siem Reap) which should cost around US$25 for half a day. Ask the taxi driver to take you to the lake from there and from here you can take the boat to Kampong Khleang village for between US$10 and US$15 per person depending on water levels. This way will take around a half day.

Chong Kneas Village

Chong Kneas is the village which attracts the most visitors from Siem Reap, probably because it is the closest. The price of the boat for visiting Chong Kneas is around US$10 per person although you should get it cheaper if you go in a larger group (this does not include transport to the lake) and this trip should take about 2 hours. Make sure that you ask the person who you buy your ticket from how long the trip will be, because some boats will try and do it as quick as possible.
Chong Khneas is the name of famous floating village at the edge of the lake. It locates at Southern part of Siem Reap town about 15 Km, and takes only 30 minutes by vehicles to the boat dock where there are always boats waiting for visitors. The boat trip through the floating village takes approximately two hours. You will explore the different of Khmer, Muslim and Vietnamese floating households and the floating markets, fisheries, clinics, schools, basketball course, pigsty and other boatloads of tourists.

Chong Khneas, was before very interesting, but now region is owned by private firm they did increasing prices and the area looks more commercial. The boat trip usually includes two stops: one at a touristy floating 'fish and bird exhibition' with a souvenir and snack shop, and the other at the very highly recommended Gecko Environment Center, which offers displays and information introducing the ecology and biodiversity of the lake area. 

Kompong Phluk Village
Kampong Phluk village is a nicer village than Chong Kneas and it also does not get as many visitors as Chong Kneas. Kampong Phluk is further away then Chong Kneas. The trip takes around 2.5 hours and costs around US$15 for the boat per person, but again it should be cheaper if you are in a big group (this does not include transport to the lake).

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