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Itineraries for visit Angkor

By Unknown - Monday, December 22, 2014 No Comments
ITINERARIES Visiting Angkor
Creating your own itinerary
When  visit Angkor , you should have arranged the different monuments and sites according to their level of interesting (always an arbitrary exercise). You should organize your stay according to your own taste and according to number of days you can devote to the visit of the temples.

How many days in Angkor?
You will need to stay for  a couple of week if you want to visit all the temples in major locations of Cambodia such us: Siem Reap, Preah Vihear, Battambang and Kampong Thom.
You might be at risk of suffering from a temple 'burn out' syndrome, an overdose of ancient stones. Spending two or three days in Angkor is the minimum time one needs to visit the most important temple. Four to five days will allow you to visit more temples but also to include a one day-trip to Banteay Chhmar, Koh Ker or Sambor Prei Kok. If you are keen on visiting these far away sites, a week will be perfect. With a six or seven days stay you will not have to rush from one temple to the other, but instead will have time to relax at your hotel between your morning and afternoon visit. You may even remember the names of the temples you visited when you are back home!

A five-day chronological itinerary
This itinerary will give you a sense of the evolution of Khmer architecture and art over time.
First Day:
Morning: First you will need to buy your entry pass at the control gate north of Siem Reap (come as early as possible to avoid queuing up). Then visit the 9th century Roluos group east of Siem Reap (Preah Ko, Lolei, Bakong).
Afternoon: Phnom Bakheng and the nearby Baksei Chamkrong, then Prasat Kravan.

Second Day:
Morning: Pre Rup, East Mebon and Banteay Srei.
Afternoon: Ta Keo, Royal Palace, Phimeanakas, Baphoun.

Third Day:
Morning: Angkor Wat.
Afternoon: Thommanon, Chau Say Tevoda and Banteay Samre.

Fourth Day:
Morning:  Ta Prohm, Preah Khan.
Afternoon: Neak Pean, Krol Ko, Ta Som, Sras Srang and Banteay Kdei.

Fifth Day:
Morning: Angkor Thom's South Gate, the Bayon, the Royal Terraces and Preah Palilay.
Afternoon: Go back to the temple (temple) you like most

Time spent for visits
We have not provided estimates for visit durations. One may enjoy staying one hour in a small deserted temple, spend one hour rushing through Angkor Wat (a pity, although unfortunate lot of so many Korean visitors), or spend two half-days checking all the details of the same Angkor Wat. As an indication, the visit of large temples such as Angkor Wat, the Bayon or Banteay Chhmar, with their wonderful bas-relief galleries, requires a minimum of two hours. You will need at least one hour to explore Ta Prohm, or Preah Khan. Smaller temple will require between ten minutes (single sanctuaries) and half an hour.

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