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Kos Sdach - Sihanoukville

By Unknown - Sunday, July 13, 2014 No Comments
This small fishing village island sits at the half way mark between Ko Kong and Sihanoukville. Accommodation is available on the island, and for those interested in experiencing a totally unadulterated stay in a Cambodian fishing village, then this isn't a bad choice.

Located just a twenty minute boat-ride off the Cambodian coast, Ko Sdach is dominated by a sizeable fishing village that stretches along the side of the island that faces the mainland. While fishing is the mainstay of the local economy, the village also has a large ice-making plant, where you can watch it being made and ferried off by boat to the surrounding islands.

On the far side of the island lies the island's main beach, a somewhat rocky affair that sits beside the island's premiere karaoke bar. You can swim here if you wish and the water is crystal clear -- as an added bonus, while you're underwater you can't hear the karaoke.

Ko Sdach is surrounded by a bunch of other islands and the mainland, many of which have spectacular and totally deserted beaches -- all of which can be visited on daytrips by longtail from Ko Sdach.

Bear in mind that nobody at the guesthouse and very few people on the island speak English. If you speak even basic Khmer (or Thai) you'll be fine, but if not, you'll be needing a lot of hand gestures to make yourself understood.

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